Our Shared History
National Siblings Day
The Siblings Day Foundation was founded in Massachusetts in 1995 to recognize, honor, and celebrate the special bond between siblings. In 1998, we became a 501.c.3 nonprofit volunteer organization. We have satellite offices in New York, South Carolina, and Virginia.
Claudia Evart founded a National Siblings Day and formed Siblings Day Foundation (SDF), as a tribute to her only siblings. Her brother, Alan and sister, Lisette passed untimely. April 10, Lisette’s birthday was chosen as Siblings Day.
The Siblings Day Foundation message of love and honoring one’s siblings have reached beyond our borders, as Siblings Day is now celebrated in countries, such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ghana, India, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, and United Kingdom.

Annual Celebration
How to Celebrate
The pandemic has taken a tremendous toll on the American family and Siblings Day is a time to celebrate those living and memorialize who have been lost.
National Siblings Day can be celebrated by sending a card or gift, posting your favorite sibling photo and/or video on social media, spending quality time together, cooking their favorite meal, or taking a walk in the park as done on Mother’s and Father’s Day.
This day does not necessarily have to be attached to a monetary gift. Individuals can do something special like a good deed or favor, errand or chore for their brother or sister. In cases of deceased siblings, consciously hold them in our memory or light a candle in remembrance.
Those individuals who do not have a sibling or do not get along, find a friend or relative as a substitute. No one should be left out.
Use #NationalSiblingsDay to post your photos, videos, and comments on social media.
Learn here how our Baltic & Nordic friends in the US celebrate Siblings Day!
Our Mission
Since 1995, the goal of the Siblings Day Foundation (SDF) has been to establish a National Day of Recognition for brothers and sisters, to be called National Siblings Day, held annually on April 10th. Siblings Day follows the spirit of Mother’s and Father’s Day, an uplifting celebration honoring people who have helped in our development and who have shaped our values, beliefs, and ideals.
Further, the Siblings Day Foundation seeks to unite and reunite siblings who may have been separated by distance, by circumstance, by birth and adoption, or interpersonal familial issues.